Meet the Artist - She's that Wallflower AKA Elizabeth Tuck

Posted by Mark Mamrot

Here are some of the great new prints from Sydney based artist She's That Wallflower aka Elizabeth Tuck!

Shes that wallflower

QA with the Artist:

What inspired your style of illustration?
My style of illustration is always something that I like to experiment with a bit. I was always a perfectionist growing up, trying to draw everything in a way that was as life-like as possible. For me though, this wasn't always a fun way of creating art! Once I got back into designing, it was through taking inspiration from artists such as the iconic Ken Done, realising that art can be whatever we want it to be. It can be realistic representations or as abstract as we like. I still enjoy getting out the pencil and paper from time to time to do more detailed drawings, other times I grab out the iPad to create full digital drawings. Creating has to be enjoyable, and my style was very much inspired by creating in a way that is fun!
Your designs have featured apparel and jewellery. What is your absolute favourite medium to work with? What future mediums would you like to see your work on?
I thoroughly enjoy seeing my work translated onto all the things! I have created a small collection of accessories including tote bags and tea towels featuring my work, and have just recently released my first ever fully designed and produced clothing collection. This was always my dream from day dot! I have also had the absolute pleasure of licensing to, and collaborating with, some fun Australian brands, including Monsterthreads of course! This is always fun as I love to see what they produce. I would be very keen to see my work on more homewares based items as well, such as bed linen and ceramics.
Your work is incredibly vibrant and colourful. How do you go about choosing your palette in your design process?
I often tend to use a fairly consistent colour palette in much of my work, which is extremely easy to do when working digitally. It's something that has developed a lot over the years as I have refined what works and what feels the most "me". Sometimes a design calls for something a little different so I will experiment with slightly different colours, but I usually come back to a similar core collection - that pretty much always includes pink! Usually I will start with one colour in mind, what the base colour will be, or sometimes I will see something that inspires a whole palette! From there, I will build up the colours in the design until it looks just right. I am always aiming for the colours to put a smile on your face when you look at them.
You're a Sydney based artist! What are your favourite things about Sydney?
I have lived in Sydney my entire life, both sides of the bridge which is big for some Sydney-siders! I never get tired of the harbour and love living in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. On a sunny spring day there's nothing like heading over to the coast to walk one of the many coastal tracks. I've spent a fair bit of time during my studies exploring the shopping and food in Newtown, which is always a favourite. Then there's also the national parks filled with beautiful flora and fauna - perfect for inspiration for my next print!


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